Editor's Notes: Those of you who know me recognize that yoga is a big part of my life. Many people think yoga is associated with a certain type(s) of religion, but that’s not the case. I wrote this article to demystify the practice of yoga and to provide some background on the yoga’s science and systems.
The Science of Yoga and the Four Yogas
Yoga is an Age-Old Science
Written by Terry A. Rondberg, DC
Yoga is an age-old science, meaning to ‘yug’ or to merge the soul with universal wisdom. But most of us cannot define our soul and universal wisdom is beyond our comprehension. Universal intelligence is identified differently by different nationalities. It is referred to as Brahman, Paramatma, Consciousness, Universe, Life, Sat Nam, the Word, God; The Absolute etc.
Some consider yoga a science. Dogmatic rituals are not supported by yoga and yoga encourages continuous religious practice. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika, is against rules because it can enslave the mind. The purpose of yoga is to erase the ego and bring the inner peace.
As human beings, we all want love, joy and peace, which yoga defines as the experience of truth. One path would uphold for everyone since our levels of intelligence and personal experiences vary.
Each person has their unique philosophy, which creates diversity and is quite beneficial, allowing individuals to discover their unique path. But we are all more alike than we are different. For example, every human being is made of the same five elements, consciousness and energy and the desire to be happy, joyous and free.
The yoga systems (sadhanas), are designed to transcend the mind, so we may become more aware. Yoga’s four categories offer something different for every person but all four types can be practiced together. Typically, we prefer one type which may be the primary focus of our yoga practice.
The four Yogas are Jnana Yoga, Raja Yoga (Hatha Yoga), Karma Yoga and Bhakti Yoga. Most yoga practices fall in one of these categories.
Jnana means wisdom which translates to worldly knowledge and self-knowledge. Jnana Yoga is the latter. Many of us often wonder, who we are and where we came from instead of asking, in which direction are we headed?
Jnana Yoga disregards abstract ideas and beliefs. Jnana Yoga teaches a student to sit quietly, close the eyes and ask, what do I know? One must be completely honest and question previous notions. Honestly answer, who am I? Are you certain you are living up to you given name?
Jnana Yoga is a path of inquiry. Some of the great Jnani Yogis were, Buddha, Gandhi, Maharishi, Nishagahata Maharaj, and Socrates.
The goal of modern-day Jnana Yogi is to continuously ask who is successful, who has failed, who is happy, who is sad, who is altruistic and who is egotistical?
Bhakti Yoga centers around unconditional love for all and is said to be the path to God’s glory. Bhakti is utter selfless love focusing on sacrifice and acts of service. Bhakti Yogis practice the oneness of mankind and do not discriminate against race, gender and religion.
Bhakti Yoga has three stages: being a servant of God; a child of God and God and His servant become one. These are the three philosophies: Dwaita (duality – us and God), Vishistadwaita (non-qualified duality – we are one), and Adwaita (non-dualism – all is one without separation).
The first order under Bhakti Yoga is to establish one’s level of experience and act accordingly. One should not live a belief system if he has not experienced it.
If our experience does not involve God, then Bhakti Yoga would encourage us to dedicate and selflessly work for God. This helps the disciple erase the ego and connect more with God.
In the Bhagavad-Gita, Lord Krishna says God has a higher and lower nature. God’s higher nature, Purusha or consciousness, resembles the reflection of sunlight on water. It remains unaffected from this nether world.
God’s lower nature involves the mind, the intellect and the ego, which are referred to as Prakriti or nature. Nature’s three qualities, inertia, activity, harmony (tamas, ragas and sattva), are considered responsible for all that takes place in our world.
Vedanta philosophy states that truth or untruth (mithya) does not exist. Like the scene on a movie projector, the truth is not influenced by the scene (energy or nature) on the projector.
One way to see our universe is to comprehend that energy or light combines with consciousness. Though consciousness and light are often referred to as two different things, realistically, they are one.
Raja Yoga (king) aims at mastering the mind and is referred to as the king of methods.
However, practitioners differ on which method is most useful. For example, Bhakti Yogis claims it is the ultimate path, offering happiness. Raja Yoga is a disciplined path, involving hours of practice in asana, pranayama and meditation.
Hatha Yoga is said to be a preliminary of Raja Yoga. Ashtanga (eight limbs) Yoga is for more advanced practioners. In Patanali’s Yoga Sutras Patanali starts by saying, “Atta Yoganushasanam,” meaning ‘now, the practice of Yoga begins,’ emphasizing that preparation is necessary before you begin practicing Ashtanga Yoga.
There are no rituals in Hatha Yoga but in Ashtanga Yoga, universal and individual codes of conduct lead to more advanced techniques. Without a clear mind, asana, pranayama, and mediation are useless for spiritual growth.
Karma Yoga is the path of action and suits 99% of the people. However, the ability to sit with a still mind is difficult. For those who tend to be more spiritual, Karma Yoga is the act of submission to God. Karma Yoga involves actively using our senses. Observing the mind’s reactions is also part of Karma Yoga.
With Karma Yoga you:
Eat when you eat,
Work when you work,
Play when you play,
Sleep when you sleep.
It is paramount to act completely selfless and disregard any potential rewards from your actions. Yoga’s purpose is to still the mind and connect better with God. If we are only concerned with fulfilling our desires, we may get what we wish for and probably crave more. Some call this greed. If we don’t get our way, we may get angry. Neither greed nor anger still the mind.
“Motivated action i.e., action performed with an eye on the fruits thereof, is far inferior to desireless action; seek thou refuge in equanimity; wretched are the result seekers”. Bhagavad-Gita
It is evident the various yoga methods offer some benefit for every unique individual.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Yoga - To Improve Sleep
Relaxation Techniques Improve Sleep
June 1st, 2011
Whether it’s yoga to reduce muscle tension, breathing to slow the heart rate, or an herbal massage to calm a racing mind, a simple routine can be the most effective and safest road to a better night’s sleep. There is growing evidence that small behavioral changes can make a big difference in getting some good shuteye. A 2006 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that participants who made modifications like reducing stimuli in the bedroom and learning relaxation techniques improved their sleep more than those who took drugs.
adapted from Yoga Journal
To find out which rituals will work best for you, it helps to understand insomnia from an Ayurvedic perspective. Yoga’s sister science and India’s oldest known system of medicine, Ayurveda is based on the idea that the life force that exists in all of us manifests as three different energies, or doshas, known as vata, pitta, and kapha. Though everyone has some of each dosha, most people tend to have an abundance of one or two.
Vata, ruled by air and ether, governs movement in the body. Pitta, ruled by fire, governs digestion and the metabolism. And kapha, ruled by earth and water, governs your physical structure and fluid balance. Ayurveda categorizes insomnia as a vata imbalance, because vata is controlled by air—and air controls the nervous system. Calming yoga and Ayurvedic rituals reduce vata in the body.
Adapted from Yoga Journal, by Kelly McGonigal
Meditation Timers and Alarm Clocks, tools for relaxation
Now & Zen
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in Well-being, Yoga Timer, yoga
June 1st, 2011
Whether it’s yoga to reduce muscle tension, breathing to slow the heart rate, or an herbal massage to calm a racing mind, a simple routine can be the most effective and safest road to a better night’s sleep. There is growing evidence that small behavioral changes can make a big difference in getting some good shuteye. A 2006 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that participants who made modifications like reducing stimuli in the bedroom and learning relaxation techniques improved their sleep more than those who took drugs.
adapted from Yoga Journal
To find out which rituals will work best for you, it helps to understand insomnia from an Ayurvedic perspective. Yoga’s sister science and India’s oldest known system of medicine, Ayurveda is based on the idea that the life force that exists in all of us manifests as three different energies, or doshas, known as vata, pitta, and kapha. Though everyone has some of each dosha, most people tend to have an abundance of one or two.
Vata, ruled by air and ether, governs movement in the body. Pitta, ruled by fire, governs digestion and the metabolism. And kapha, ruled by earth and water, governs your physical structure and fluid balance. Ayurveda categorizes insomnia as a vata imbalance, because vata is controlled by air—and air controls the nervous system. Calming yoga and Ayurvedic rituals reduce vata in the body.
Adapted from Yoga Journal, by Kelly McGonigal
Meditation Timers and Alarm Clocks, tools for relaxation
Now & Zen
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in Well-being, Yoga Timer, yoga
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Words alone can never bring out the essence of that thing we call life. The truth is far more subtle than that. Many have tried and failed to explain that which permeates all beings. The life essence is a substance which science cannot explain or touch. It baffles the brightests minds of philosophy and theology alike. It is beyond the human psyche to create or comprehend. So what are we to make of this mystery?
The immovable mind sees all things as they are. Accepts the un-acceptable and follows the path of least resistance. And yet we long to know more. To endlessly question that which has no answer. To those who cannot sit still and let the world unfold, chaos is a true friend.
So into the wind we must go. With all our dreams and wishes. Basking in the radiance of a new day, awash in the myst of long forgotten worlds of some by-gone era in time. No matter the pain and sorrow we see and feel, at times so intense and overwhelming, that we shrink from the thought. Dispite all our questioning dispair with our longing to be free from all the unknowns of this life - still we must persist in realizing that a purpose filled life results in fullfillment beyond words. And that my friends IS life.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Just now I realized the issue we all share in life. The one thing which ties us together as humans and at the same time tears us apart from each other. It dawned on me that in between all the nice things we say and do for each other is that space which we create through wanting to be right. The desire to be somehow superior to whatever standard we are using to make ourselves feel superior to the rest of the world. In our desire to be recognized as having some special trait which separates us from all the rest of the sorry bunch of "losers" in this world - we somehow find a way to separate ourselves from the crowd and we often times do it by being silent. When friends are wanting friendship, calling out for help and compassion - real needs are there, and we are just silent. Not objecting - just not helping to fix the problem. We have all those reasons in our head which say it is not our problem. We say that "they" should have made better decisions... lived better lives. And then we pat ourselves on the back and walk away - as if we have proven our worthiness. Greatful to be somebody!...
In life what we think is what we will ultimately become. The law of the lowest common denominator takes affect. If our thoughts are in line with the highest truth we will also be transformed into just that image. Too often we set our sights too low and we slide into the darkness of self delusion. A pit awash in self pity which is near impossible to escape. It is only when we lift our vision of how we see others in this world and begin to see the potential of each human being, that we can rise to the true level of compassionate care which results in genuine care for the needs of others. It is then that we drop our twisted vision of the world with all its problems and come to realize the true worth of helping those in need in a way which is tangible and real. As the saying goes, "When we die to self, it is then that we are born to eternal life."
In life what we think is what we will ultimately become. The law of the lowest common denominator takes affect. If our thoughts are in line with the highest truth we will also be transformed into just that image. Too often we set our sights too low and we slide into the darkness of self delusion. A pit awash in self pity which is near impossible to escape. It is only when we lift our vision of how we see others in this world and begin to see the potential of each human being, that we can rise to the true level of compassionate care which results in genuine care for the needs of others. It is then that we drop our twisted vision of the world with all its problems and come to realize the true worth of helping those in need in a way which is tangible and real. As the saying goes, "When we die to self, it is then that we are born to eternal life."
Monday, March 21, 2011
The world of dreams is the one place that we can go and be anything our hearts desire. When we go deep within, in the myst and stillness of our solitary world, carved out of the mystery stillness that beckons us to "Come home!" - we begin the journey back to the place we can call our own. In perfect stillness the realities of what has yet to be, unfolds in living color and we are awed by the scene.
As little children we spent most of our waking hours playing in fantasy worlds of possibilities never realizing that it would all end so soon. As adults we seldom take the time to dream. To really let our hair down and kick off our shoes and feel the space within. Feel our heart beating. Take in the moment, as if nothing else matters. And yet this is exactly what we need. Each day we can find our way back to the place where all wisdom and light resides. That place which is no place - unlike any other place on earth. Like a fresh spring day with the wind blowing the leaves around, and the scent of flowers crashing down all around us. Colors so vivid in those pastel hues which remind us of another place and time. It is here where we begin to understand the meaning and the purpose of our lives. It is here that we become as little children and find ourselves again. To this spot, this place in time, we must return a little each day. And when we do - the whole world opens up its arms and pulls us closer to that place we call home.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Today I thought I would break the mold a little bit and write about emotions. The glue, the spark that never goes out. That thing we love to hate. The power behind the words. Nasty, sultry, even careless, thought-less juxsta-positions dripping with a life-time of dreaded remorse for all those moments formed in the twilight of a black moon rising. Beyond the reality of life's merry-go-round dreary routine - we find ourselves in the groove like a DJ called Mix-a-Lot, perfecting our craft with twinges of guilt-ridden lighting flashing rivers of emotion pouring over our thoughts and words with the wit of a thousand goblins lurking in the shadows ready to pounce on the first misunderstood idea spoken from the lips of a mere mortal who dared to offend us in all their sincerity.
Emotions so strong they move mountains - and crush dreams. A power so intoxicating we struggle to reel in its fury. In a moment, in a blink of an eye - even the most sincere Puritan amongst us - can shatter the dreams of a child with the emotionally strewn rendition cooked up from the do-gooders pot of "better than thou" - stew. And for what cause?
If we could only harness our feelings. Let our hearts beat to the beat of a different drummer. If we could just look before we leap - into tangled briers of emotional chaos that never knows how to heal. Just now we need to find our inner soul and see the light which beckons us home. We can hold out our hand and let go of the self-inflicted pain of years of trying to be good. Just now, we can close our eyes and shed a tear for all the times we never gave a damn. Release... Set ourselves free. Free from the pain of shattered dreams and dashed hopes - surrounded by our fears of the future. Let it all go.
In an instant we can have the light which brings in its train all the good we know life to hold. Emotional integrity. The spark which fires up the imagination and gives us a reason to step up to a new dawn. It's no good to try and be good... We must feel goodness in our hearts and let it fill us up so that it begins to overflow into the hearts and lives of other people. People who have hurt us deeply. People we love. People near and far.... The world is waiting to taste the goodness of a life emotionally charged with truth and love. Aware of its imperfections, and yet willing to be vulnerable and alive with a passion that ignites us to pursue perfection. Nothing short of deep-seated, emotional heart-throbbing loving concern for all God's children will win the day and help us find our way back to that place we call home. Check-mate.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Take the next Step....
When we are walking the path of our lives - in the instant that we experience the unexpected - take the next step. The longest journey begins with the first step. The realization that we are the ship builder and at the same time the captain of our destiny, we will begin to judge our actions as they really are. We will strive to make each opportunity a winning moment by taking - the next step.
To find a real purpose in life, a reason for living our lives with desire and straight-forward honesty for ourselves, is key to any future success. So much of what we see and experience in life today comes from a mind-altered world of chemical based living. The ability for most of society to make correct assessments and act on them is next to impossible. But we must turn and go towards the destiny which we have been given. Discover who you are by - taking the next step!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
The Winning Way...
Once in a while we find ourselves asking the tough questions. Like what is real and what is not? Like What does it take to be a winner in life? Physical excellence must be accompanied by mental and spiritual fortitude if we are going to own the day. Sometimes we try to take short cuts, only to find that all our efforts have gotten us nowhere. Sadly, we try and try again to find the way to excellence. But the path is illusive and barren. Each step we take causes us to sink deeper into the chaos of despair. Where did we go wrong? Why does it seem like the way to success is easy for some and hard for others?
The answer lies in two things. Determination and correct action. Faith in the truth is wrapped up in determination. Right thinking creates right actions. If we hold to that which is true and right we find the way to excel in the face of adversity. Stepping out in faith we make the impossible possible. It is then that all things are possible... to them that believe.
Once in a while we find ourselves asking the tough questions. Like what is real and what is not? Like What does it take to be a winner in life? Physical excellence must be accompanied by mental and spiritual fortitude if we are going to own the day. Sometimes we try to take short cuts, only to find that all our efforts have gotten us nowhere. Sadly, we try and try again to find the way to excellence. But the path is illusive and barren. Each step we take causes us to sink deeper into the chaos of despair. Where did we go wrong? Why does it seem like the way to success is easy for some and hard for others?
The answer lies in two things. Determination and correct action. Faith in the truth is wrapped up in determination. Right thinking creates right actions. If we hold to that which is true and right we find the way to excel in the face of adversity. Stepping out in faith we make the impossible possible. It is then that all things are possible... to them that believe.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sounds of Peace
This ancient symbol of Japanese culture represents the efforts for establishing peace between warring nations and people with different world views.
In 1994, there was a special ceremony marking the fourtieth anniversary of the Japanese Peace Bell. On that occasion, Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali said: "whenever it has sounded, this Japanese Peace Bell has sent a clear message. The message is addressed to all humanity. Peace is precious. It is not enough to yearn for peace. Peace requires work -- long, hard, difficult work."
Many are the obstacles to true world peace. A goal which for many seems unrealistic and unattainable. Still there is hope and faith which must view the future in a way which creates more ideas and space for peaceful co-existence of peoples and nature alike. It is not enough to just protect our own small footprint and ignore the larger ramification's of what our individual actions are creating on the larger world platform. To ignore such things is to destroy our own future existence and our children's future.
So, despite the seeming impossibility of the task at hand - we must take hold of the ideas embodied in the word P-E-A-C-E and mold our thoughts and actions so that we begin to build that bridge into the future where all people are free and possess life, liberty and happiness in a violence - free society, immersed in the myst of a new day - born from the mind of Infinite Love.
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