Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Just now I realized the issue we all share in life.  The one thing which ties us together as humans and at the same time tears us apart from each other.  It dawned on me that in between all the nice things we say and do for each other is that space which we create through wanting to be right.  The desire to be somehow superior to whatever standard we are using to make ourselves feel superior to the rest of the world.  In our desire to be recognized as having some special trait which separates us from all the rest of the sorry bunch of "losers" in this world - we somehow find a way to separate ourselves from the crowd and we often times do it by being silent.  When friends are wanting friendship, calling out for help and compassion - real needs are there, and we are just silent.  Not objecting - just not helping to fix the problem.  We have all those reasons in our head which say it is not our problem.  We say that "they" should have made better decisions...  lived better lives.  And then we pat ourselves on the back and walk away - as if we have proven our worthiness.  Greatful to be somebody!...

In life what we think is what we will ultimately become.  The law of the lowest common denominator takes affect.  If our thoughts are in line with the highest truth we will also be transformed into just that image.  Too often we set our sights too low and we slide into the darkness of self delusion.  A pit awash in self pity which is near impossible to escape.  It is only when we lift our vision of how we see others in this world and begin to see the potential of each human being, that we can rise to the true level of compassionate care which results in genuine care for the needs of others.  It is then that we drop our twisted vision of the world with all its problems and come to realize the true worth of helping those in need in a way which is tangible and real.  As the saying goes, "When we die to self, it is then that we are born to eternal life." 

Monday, March 21, 2011


The world of dreams is the one place that we can go and be anything our hearts desire.  When we go deep within, in the myst and stillness of our solitary world, carved out of the mystery stillness that beckons us to "Come home!" - we begin the journey back to the place we can call our own.  In perfect stillness the realities of what has yet to be, unfolds in living color and we are awed by the scene. 
As little children we spent most of our waking hours playing in fantasy worlds of possibilities never realizing that it would all end so soon.  As adults we seldom take the time to dream.  To really let our hair down and kick off our shoes and feel the space within.  Feel our heart beating.  Take in the moment, as if nothing else matters.  And yet this is exactly what we need.  Each day we can find our way back to the place where all wisdom and light resides.  That place which is no place - unlike any other place on earth.  Like a fresh spring day with the wind blowing the leaves around, and the scent of flowers crashing down all around us.  Colors so vivid in those pastel hues which remind us of another place and time.  It is here where we begin to understand the meaning and the purpose of our lives.  It is here that we become as little children and find ourselves again.  To this spot, this place in time, we must return a little each day.  And when we do - the whole world opens up its arms and pulls us closer to that place we call home.  

Sunday, March 13, 2011



Today I thought I would break the mold a little bit and write about emotions.  The glue, the spark that never goes out.  That thing we love to hate.  The power behind the words.  Nasty, sultry, even careless, thought-less juxsta-positions dripping with a life-time of dreaded remorse for all those moments formed in the twilight of a black moon rising.  Beyond the reality of life's merry-go-round dreary routine - we find ourselves in the groove like a DJ called Mix-a-Lot, perfecting our craft with twinges of guilt-ridden lighting flashing rivers of emotion pouring over our thoughts and words with the wit of a thousand goblins lurking in the shadows ready to pounce on the first misunderstood idea spoken from the lips of a mere mortal who dared to offend us in all their sincerity.

Emotions so strong they move mountains - and crush dreams.  A power so intoxicating we struggle to reel in its fury.  In a moment, in a blink of an eye - even the most sincere Puritan amongst us - can shatter the dreams of a child with the emotionally strewn rendition cooked up from the do-gooders pot of "better than thou" - stew.  And for what cause?

If we could only harness our feelings.  Let our hearts beat to the beat of a different drummer.  If we could just look before we leap - into tangled briers of  emotional chaos that never knows how to heal.  Just now we need to find our inner soul and see the light which beckons us home.  We can hold out our hand and let go of the self-inflicted pain of years of trying to be good.  Just now, we can close our eyes and shed a tear for all the times we never gave a damn.  Release...  Set ourselves free.  Free from the pain of shattered dreams and dashed hopes - surrounded by our fears of the future.  Let it all go. 

In an instant we can have the light which brings in its train all the good we know life to hold.  Emotional integrity. The spark which fires up the imagination and gives us a reason to step up to a new dawn.  It's no good to try and be good...  We must feel goodness in our hearts and let it fill us up so that it begins to overflow into the hearts and lives of other people.  People who have hurt us deeply.  People we love.  People near and far....  The world is waiting to taste the goodness of a life emotionally charged with truth and love.  Aware of its imperfections, and yet willing to be vulnerable and alive with a passion that ignites us to pursue perfection.  Nothing short of deep-seated, emotional heart-throbbing loving concern for all God's children will win the day and help us find our way back to that place we call home.  Check-mate.