Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!  Yes I said it!  I am proud to know that there is a holiday which reminds us to be merry!  A day - once a year - that calls out to all of us to see the world through the eyes of a child - a baby...

 This idea of sanitizing all things with political correctness, as if not to offend anyone, has to go!  Away with the notion that the ideas embedded in the three magi bearing gifts or the angels singing "Peace on earth..." to the shepherds as they watched their flocks of sheep at night - is somehow not universal hopes and the dreams of all people!  Yes! Christmas... The day we celebrate God coming to earth - not as a despot king - but as a babe.  The Ruler of the Universe just as vulnerable as you and me...  Watched over by sheep and cows and a donkey.

It's time we all took off the religious blinders and realized that we - as people - must embrace each other and learn to forgive and give love and compassion, as the gifts of the season!  It is only then that we find ourselves on equal footing with the richest man and the poorest of the poor!  Money is not the object... Our shared humanity is the one thing which we have in common.  The one thing we share - even with God - The Creator of the Universe.  The baby surrounded by sheep, cows and... a donkey!  Let the Angels sing - "Hallelujah!"

Monday, October 27, 2014

If You Live...

  "If you live the sacred and despise the ordinary,        you are still bobbing in the ocean of delusion."

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Understanding the innermost world of spiritual thought has brought many a person to their knees!  In a real sense, there is need for careful reflection when it comes to the practice of meditation.  Such a simple act - just sitting and breathing - has created a vast array of opinions as to the proper perspective one should have towards the exquisite art of meditation.  It boggles the mind to think that such tension has been created at times over such a simple process.  Whole religious communities are opposed to the mere concept itself.  The western world has missed much benefit through ignoring the subtle benefits created through this discipline.  Now, we have the freedom to explore our own way; our own path towards the esoteric art we call meditation.

In an effort to tap the inner depths of consciousness - to touch the unseen world of Spirit, we must immerse ourselves into the ocean of unknowing.  This literal point exists in the lower abdomen just below the navel.  The starting point of life itself.  Like a candle being lit, life's energy flows from this point, into all the body.  Without such energy, we cease to exist.

The key to meditation lies in its purpose.  In the desire to connect all of who we are into One. One point.  One point meditation.  The beginning and the ending of all things.  The great circle of life!.

Friday, October 3, 2014


It's a new day!  Have you seen the sunrise?  Have you been out to find the breeze is blowing through the leaves on the trees?  The little sparkles of sun lit dew drops beneath your feet are echoing the refrain  - "It's a  new day!"

Beauty is all around you!  You only have to look and see it peeking out behind a moss covered rock; in the eye of a new-born bird in its nest.  The sounds of nature resound with the echos... "It's a new day!"

Tip-toe past the lilly frog sitting on a branch - its tongue held out to snatch a quick bite to eat.  All of the rivers and streams bubble in rhythm as if to say - "It's a new day!"

Pick up your feet and do a little dance!  Shake your head and take in all the fresh air the day has brought.  The glistening waves pound the shores at your feet; saying - "Its a new day!"

No matter how bad your past has been, it is always possible to start over...
Yes, you will shed some tears and maybe lose a close friend or two, but the possibility of creating  something spectacular out of your life seems more than worth it.  After all...
"It's A New Day!"

Thursday, September 4, 2014



You! A word that describes an idea about a specific person... You!
It is not exactly a personal word but it conveys a certain special
meaning when spoken... You!  You are one of the jewels in this
world!  Like a star that fell from heaven!  You are so much more
than even you know! It's as if you are still finding yourself.
Brilliance with a flash!... You!

I am so lucky to have crossed paths with you. It was some sort of act of Destiny...  A kind of realization that there is so much more out there...More memories to be made and shared. A world which is only now beginning to be created. Can you feel it?  I know you can.  When I see the moon shining in the night sky I think you might be looking too, in some sort of way I share the moment with...You!

You are so many things to so many people... But the one thing I
know, more than anything else, more than your caring, your personal
expressions of generosity and care for others... The one thing I
know is... YOU!  And that makes me happy!*

*Dedicated to the One with a heart of gold! : )

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Here We Go!...AGAIN

I haven't been here for awhile...  My life seems to be going in circles with no beginning and no end!  The things that normally are indicators of progress and enlightenment are missing... gone!  Gone are the goals the planning, the carefully orchestrated calendar of events which have a way of telling us that we are making strides in the right direction.

I wonder more and more each day as to the real meaning in life...  Is this merry-go-round of a life ever going to make sense?  Aha!... I am aware that the more I seem detached from all things which surround me - I am somehow becoming more aware...

I am aware of a faint breeze blowing the grass into a frenzy of hurricane proportions... for an ant!  The drip, drip, drip of the leaky faucet, suddenly sounds like an amazon down pour I remember - as a kid.  The small ray of sunlight peeking through the cracks in the window shades, reminds me of that blinding light of a summer day on the Mohave wind swept dunes I love to hate.

Why I feel this way now at this time and at this point in my life I cannot really tell.  But in the rustling grass I hear the Spirit of another time passing by...  The moments are fleeting and yet it is these moments which make up our long anticipated, made-up lives which when you actually think about it, are made up of these little glimpses into a mirage in time which tells us more in a moment of introspection - than all the textbooks we ever read in school.  

Life! It happens to us when we least expect it... When we are just gazing into the misty haze of the ocean's waves.  More than words can say... It's good to be back! 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Spirits Living In A Material World...

In so many ways the world we see is the world we have created for ourselves from the scraps and pieces of shattered hopes and dreams which lay all around us.  Like a war zone, where people run scared trying to find shelter from the chaos of danger and death - we shape our idealistic worlds from the little things which once seemed to mean so much to us.  Emotional baggage we call it.  The fabric which colors our perceived "perfect" world.  In all the little things which we hold close to our hearts - we sense the longing, the desire to be free!  A little voice like our own - keeps calling our name!  It makes us get up in the morning - and try again.  It tells us to pick ourselves up and try again...

This world of ours made up of skin and bone - blood, sweat and tears - cannot fill the void we feel...  Spirits living in a material world!  For many of us this realization has been lost.  Buried in the dust of long lost visions which we once dreamed.  Gone with the innocence of childhood.  We wander through this haze we now call life.  The world of cold hard facts.  the world where warmth and love seem to have vanished into the science of living life in the fast lane.  It is a life, a world, made up of never ending whys...

Spirits living in a material world!  We know so much more than we know!  The conscious mind is absorbed in the critical functions of keeping us present in the here and now. But all knowledge and wisdom is stored in the sub-conscious mind.  No filters.  No restrictions.  Just pure information!  And it is this world of thought which holds such hope for us as humans.  Our past and present and future are all here being formed and saved. The meaningful array of knowledge we seek is here waiting...  Waiting for us to become aware.  Aware that we are more than skin and bone.  More than flesh and blood.  The sun will rise and the wind will blow... Yes! We are in a material world!