Monday, May 31, 2010


Faith Hope & Love

There must be some hidden meaning to the ideas that swirl around the words Faith Hope and Love. We all know that in order to live life to its fullest we need faith hope and love - the intrinsic mind-stuff that makes the world have meaning. The all in all to everything worth holding on to. In a world of chaos and nearing the total colapse of civilization - with all of the drama that goes along with such events - I find myself wishing. Wishing for a change... A time when life still held its innocense in the mind of a baby. When up was up and down was down.

It seems that now all we get for the buck is a bunch of useless chatter which leaves us feeling empty and lost. Try as we might nothing really seems to fill that aching void which whirls around in our head never really stopping or giving us any indication of how we got here - to this moment, this lost state on mind.

We hurry around acting like we are doing something important. Something which has to be done. Chasing our tails, as it were, in an endless stream of media hype and useless data. Mindless chatter which makes one wonder what the fuss is all about. It's time for a change.

So, change we must. The first step is to step back from all the political posturing, the endless drama that passes for usefull information. We must find the inner strength to admit our need of direction. Our need for a perspective which can shower our path with the Light of Life and guide our very steps. We must stop and see the beauty all around us - in spite of the shadows which eclipse the light in our everyday struggle to rise above it all. We must grasp the ungraspable. Higher than the highest human thought - this is where we belong.

The first steps must be taken in silence. The quiet solitude of knowing that all is not lost. There is hope. There is love... Have faith my friend - Just believe.

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