Saturday, August 7, 2010


The essence of Ki power and the subsequent analogies to an unseen force within all things which can create a life essence and at times appear to structure itself in forms which baffle all scientific discovery, in and of itself gives one pause when we think of the Constitutional phrase "all men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights..."

The mystical and the mysterious in life exist if for no other reason - to let us know that we are, as humans, but a tiny speck in the bigger picture of cosmological existence.  The best attempts of men and mice has yet to erase that fact from our consciousness.  Every time science comes up with the ultimate answer to the puzzle called life - some new un-answered discovery threatens to disrupt the even flow of consensus.

The power within life is truly a mystery.  A profound mystery which no one has ever been able to grasp; let alone explain.  The subtle movements found in all martial arts and the masters who for years have held to the path of least resistance in style and technique, have wielded a sublime strength which heaven and earth cannot tame.

Ki cultivation is at the root of all true martial art.  Bushido is the way of truth and peace. My master, Dojunim - is a living legend.  In the same spirit of endless grace, the effortless movements with decisive stopping power still captivates the imagination.  Very few masters today hold this gift in their martial arsenal of traditional techniques.  It is a gift which belongs to those who seek with all their heart in single-mindedness; and in that process - touch the face of the Mysterious Great Spirit.   
Do Ju Nim
9th Dan Hapdosool

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