Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Looking Within...

    Looking Within...

In a world where all we know is what we experience with our senses it is easy to get lost in sensory overload and begin to shut down.  Shut down to the real essence.  To the real beauty in all things.  When we stop trying to mold the world into our own making and we let ourselves go instead deep within - we begin to appreciate the little things.  The things that make us smile. The way the ocean turns on itself creating a rainbow dipped wave.

We see what is there when what is not there is sometimes more important.  Like a cup, usefulness comes from the space created within.  Too many times we fill our lives with many things in an attempt to find meaning and purpose in all we do.  Sometimes it's best to "empty our cup" and just let the wind fill our sails.

Inch by inch - mile by mile, our time to shine is dimming!  Just now, we need to find that inner light we all possess, and throw open the blinds of our heartaches and just let our vision sparkle anew.  It is never to late to start over!  Life is always here for us; until it's not!

So, just now resolve to bask in the glow of the setting sun.  Enjoy the simple things in life.  And then find someone to share in your new found joy!  Smile! Laugh! Love!...From the inside OUT!


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