Thursday, October 11, 2018

Sleeping Beauty

 Ever feel like you were spinning your wheels faster and faster and yet getting further and further behind?  Science has shown that often when the mind is thinking and doing man tasks in a desperate attempt to gain some bigger goal and no time is given for pure "nothingness" - the brain actually slows to a crawl and we become immune to the trauma we are inflicting upon ourselves.  Yes! The mind needs time to unwind and rest in the "void" of no thinking.  It needs time to just float away and be in a state of pure relaxation.  To be whole and healthy the mind requires times where we are literally doing nothing.  Just being.  No rush no fuss.  Just aware of our surroundings and letting the big picture settle into our consciousness.

Inner peace comes through not doing.  It comes when we let go and let the unfolding of life take place without trying to guide it and fill it with stuff.  Doing is part of life.  But so is letting go.  Freedom to be ourselves in the midst of the storm.  In the eye - where all is calm.  We may be trying to go faster and faster, like the rabbit chasing the turtle.  However, our self awareness and bliss function best as we slow down and allow for thoughtful quiet spaces throughout our day.

Try it!  You might be pleasantly surprised ! 

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