Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Now as then, when I write - I write as much for myself as for the reader who takes the time to ponder the words on the page.  I write with an urgency and a resolve which is seldom seen anymore.  I always ask myself how is one to find the true way if no one is there to teach the True Way.  Many false teachers are gone out into the world.  It is easy to spot most of them...Just follow the money!  But then, there are those teachers which are wolves dressed up in sheep's clothing!  The hidden agendas and twisted logic, masquerading as the genuine article of faith - creates the most difficult of circumstances and many are snared to their ultimate demise.

In acquiring  wisdom, the basic rules of thinking and pondering must be taken to heart in order to compare thought with thought and arrive at the correct destination.  It is often a thankless job which carries little monetary reward and often carries a heavy social price tag which ends in isolation and sadness.  

When we do take the time to turn around and see how far we have come in finding who we really are and connecting to those things that really matter like peace, joy and love - we can see in an instant that it was all worth it.  This thing called life.  To live in the light of true wisdom and to hold in our hearts the Love which no man can give but which all desire and can treasure - it is then all worth it!  The pain and the struggle is forgotten and the sweet joy of knowing that you have touched the face of God makes the journey worth it!   When we look to the sky and realize we are but a speck in time and yet able to experience the bliss of all the Universe wrapped up in a newborn baby's smile - we gain the strength to keep going and to reach for the highest realm; that of the Divine Mind.  The realization of True Zen - Awakened Reality, the Centered Life Essence flowing out of a knowing that, all things are possible to them that believe! 

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