Sunday, November 28, 2010

Let It Be....

As we come to the close of another year - we look back on all the good times and all the not - so - good times.  We see where we have been, and where we are headed.  In this life we only get one chance to live out the day.  In the end what we thought was real and good doesn't always turn out to be so.
Still the show must go on.  The way to glory is strewn with blood, sweat and tears...
So, in the attempt to make a difference to someone - maybe you - I hold out this thought in the hope that one way or another you find peace.  That you see the rainbow - and the pot of gold!  That you remember who you are and that you have made it to another day - another year.  Believe in the goodness in life.  The world has enough saddness...  Set your mind to walk in the middle of the path - find balance, and in so doing find yourself.  You are the guardian of your own destiny.  You are the dream weaver of your own world.  The race is not to the strong - but to the one who never gives up.  To the finish line... and beyond!

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