Sunday, November 7, 2010

The simplicity which is found within the yoga practice traditions of the true Masters both in India and the Asian martial art systems have been highly misundrstood by the Western mind set and those who would try and discourage universal understanding within the disciplines.  Many, if not all of the objections directed at this ancient practice, centers around the spirituality imbedded within the fundamental aspects of the art.  The
spiritual quality of any system as old and secretive as yoga once was, clearly allows  for great misunderstandings to flourish over time.  Hence the old adage of the blind men trying to explain what an elephant looks like.  The idea that any one disoriented person could find the actual truth which has been   concealed within the frabric of stories and song is outrageous and laughable.  But when we allow the process imbedded within a vibriant tradition such as what is found within the tenants of yoga sool and all other schools of thought in regards to the yogic teachings we find an understanding as to the structure and nature of how the body and the mind work together to bring us to a sense of higher purpose and spiritual      awareness.  It is by stillness and a calm surroundings that the mind begins to merge with the body and sounds and colors give way to an open enlightenment of the richest tones and hues of light.  Like a beautiful sunrise the mind's eye can see the ten thousand things which make up the world of endless bliss.  The idea of love and joy and peace all come from this place.  A place which we cannot grasp until we let go.  Until we let go of all those thoughts and daily distractions which keep us from having mind-full-ness.  Happy thoughts and feelings about who we are and what our purpose is in this life; full of possibilites.  Some may call it crazy others just stare and point as if they can erase the power which comes from inside the centered life of a person at peace with all of creation. "Peace! Be Still."

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