Friday, October 3, 2014


It's a new day!  Have you seen the sunrise?  Have you been out to find the breeze is blowing through the leaves on the trees?  The little sparkles of sun lit dew drops beneath your feet are echoing the refrain  - "It's a  new day!"

Beauty is all around you!  You only have to look and see it peeking out behind a moss covered rock; in the eye of a new-born bird in its nest.  The sounds of nature resound with the echos... "It's a new day!"

Tip-toe past the lilly frog sitting on a branch - its tongue held out to snatch a quick bite to eat.  All of the rivers and streams bubble in rhythm as if to say - "It's a new day!"

Pick up your feet and do a little dance!  Shake your head and take in all the fresh air the day has brought.  The glistening waves pound the shores at your feet; saying - "Its a new day!"

No matter how bad your past has been, it is always possible to start over...
Yes, you will shed some tears and maybe lose a close friend or two, but the possibility of creating  something spectacular out of your life seems more than worth it.  After all...
"It's A New Day!"

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