A new day - a new year. We look back over the past 12 months and see great things. Changes in life and times... Political changes. Social changes. Changes in science, religion, sports.... Changes all to solidify the way we think and live...And so in each moment we experience all those different emotions. Joy and pain. Happiness and sadness. But through it all we find a way to live the dream. Carry on into the world beyond imagination.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Let It Be....
As we come to the close of another year - we look back on all the good times and all the not - so - good times. We see where we have been, and where we are headed. In this life we only get one chance to live out the day. In the end what we thought was real and good doesn't always turn out to be so.
Still the show must go on. The way to glory is strewn with blood, sweat and tears...
So, in the attempt to make a difference to someone - maybe you - I hold out this thought in the hope that one way or another you find peace. That you see the rainbow - and the pot of gold! That you remember who you are and that you have made it to another day - another year. Believe in the goodness in life. The world has enough saddness... Set your mind to walk in the middle of the path - find balance, and in so doing find yourself. You are the guardian of your own destiny. You are the dream weaver of your own world. The race is not to the strong - but to the one who never gives up. To the finish line... and beyond!
Still the show must go on. The way to glory is strewn with blood, sweat and tears...
So, in the attempt to make a difference to someone - maybe you - I hold out this thought in the hope that one way or another you find peace. That you see the rainbow - and the pot of gold! That you remember who you are and that you have made it to another day - another year. Believe in the goodness in life. The world has enough saddness... Set your mind to walk in the middle of the path - find balance, and in so doing find yourself. You are the guardian of your own destiny. You are the dream weaver of your own world. The race is not to the strong - but to the one who never gives up. To the finish line... and beyond!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
In This Moment...
Mere words can never convey the anticipation - the instant when perfection carries the day. Each moment explodes in the vortex of thought and action - combined into one flawless moment in time. Eventhough we cannot seem to put our finger on the trigger - or point to the precise instant where form merges with imagination and then that magical moment is born, still - we feel the thrill of the rush and something verging on the spiritual is created. We are born again. We can imagine ourselves stepping out and living life on the edge - letting it all hang out. Living the dream! Become inspired... Feel the moment. Dare to dream!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Beauty and the Beast...
Yoga Style Guide
Your Guide to Popular Yoga Styles
By Ann Pizer, About.com Guide
Updated November 03, 2010
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There are many different styles of yoga being taught and practiced today. Although all of the styles are based on the same physical postures (called poses), each has a particular emphasis. Here is a quick guide to the most popular types of yoga that can help you decode the schedule at your gym and figure out which class is right for you.
Hatha is a very general term that can encompass many of the physical types of yoga. If a class is described as Hatha style, it is probably going to be slow-paced and gentle and provide a good introduction to the basic yoga poses.
Like Hatha, Vinyasa is a general term that is used to describe many different types of classes. Vinyasa, which means breath-synchronized movement, tends to be a more vigorous style based on the performance of a series of poses called Sun Salutations, in which movement is matched to the breath. A Vinyasa class will typically start with a number of Sun Salutations to warm up the body for more intense stretching that's done at the end of class.
Ashtanga, which means "eight limbs" in Sanskrit, is a fast-paced, intense style of yoga. A set series of poses is performed, always in the same order. Ashtanga practice is very physically demanding because of the constant movement from one pose to the next. In yoga terminology, this movement is called flow. Ashtanga is also the inspiration for what is often called Power Yoga. If a class is described as Power Yoga, it will be based on the flowing style of Ashtanga, but not necessarily keep strictly to the set Ashtanga series of poses.
Based on the teachings of the yogi B.K.S Iyengar, this style of practice is most concerned with bodily alignment. In yoga, the word alignment is used to describe the precise way in which your body should be positioned in each pose in order to obtain the maximum benefits and avoid injury. Iyengar practice usually emphasizes holding poses over long periods versus moving quickly from one pose to the next (flow). Also, Iyengar practice encourages the use of props, such as yoga blankets, blocks and straps, in order to bring the body into alignment.
The emphasis in Kundalini is on the breath in conjunction with physical movement, with the purpose of freeing energy in the lower body and allowing it to move upwards. All asana practices make use of controlling the breath. But in Kundalini, the exploration of the effects of the breath (also called prana, meaning energy) on the postures is essential.
Pioneered by Bikram Choudhury, this style is more generally referred to as Hot Yoga. It is practiced in a 95 to 100 degree room, which allows for a loosening of tight muscles and profuse sweating, which is thought to be cleansing. The Bikram method is a set series of 26 poses, but not all hot classes make use of this series.
Founded in 1997 by John Friend, Anusara combines a strong emphasis on physical alignment with a positive philosophy derived from Tantra. The philosophy’s premise is belief in the intrinsic goodness of all beings. Anusara classes are usually light-hearted and accessible to students of differing abilities. Poses are taught in a way that opens the heart, both physically and mentally, and props are often used.
This style of yoga emerged from one of New York’s best-known yoga studios. Jivamukti founders David Life and Sharon Gannon take inspiration from Ashtanga yoga and emphasize chanting, meditation, and spiritual teachings. They have trained many teachers who have brought this style of yoga to studios and gyms, predominantly in the U.S. These classes are physically intense and often include some chanting.
Headquartered in Santa Monica, California, and gaining popularity around the U.S., Forrest Yoga is the method taught by Ana Forrest. The performance of vigorous asana sequences is intended to strengthen and purify the body and release pent-up emotions and pain so that healing can begin. Expect an intense workout with an emphasis on abdominal strengthening and deep breathing.
The name Kripalu is associated both with a style of hatha yoga and a yoga and wellness center in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Both were founded by yoga guru Amrit Desai, who came to the United States from India in 1960. Kripalu is a yoga practice with a compassionate approach and emphasis on meditation, physical healing and spiritual transformation that overflows into daily life. Kripalu also focuses on looking inward and moving at your own pace.
Integral yoga follows the teachings of Sri Swami Sachidananda, who came to the U.S. in the 1960s and eventually founded many Integral Yoga Institutes and the famed Yogaville Ashram in Virginia. Integral is a gentle hatha practice, and classes often also include breathing exercises, chanting, kriyas, and meditation.
Moksha Hot Yoga was founded in Toronto, Canada in 2004 by yoga teachers Ted Grant and Jessica Robertson. Though a relative newcomer, Moksha has quickly gained popularity as over 30 affiliated studios have since opened worldwide, including in Canada, the United States, Switzerland, and the Caribbean. A set series of about 40 poses done in a hot room, Moksha Yoga is designed to be both accessible and challenging, supporting life-long health.
In restorative yoga, props are used for support the body so that you can hold poses for longer, allowing you to open your body through passive stretching. Restorative postures are usually adapted from supine or seated yoga poses with the addition of blocks, bolsters, and blankets to eliminate unnecessary straining.
The first Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center was founded in 1959 by Swami Vishnu-devananda, a disciple of Swami Sivananda. There are now close to 80 locations worldwide, including several ashram retreats. Sivananda yoga is based upon five principles:
1. Proper exercise (Asana, focusing on 12 poses in particular)
2. Proper breathing (Pranayama)
3. Proper relaxation (Savasana)
4. Proper diet (Vegetarian)
5. Positive thinking (Vedanta) and meditation (Dhyana)
In Yin Yoga, poses are held for several minutes at a time in order to the stretch the connective tissue around the joints. Yin Yoga directly addresses the demands that sitting still in one position for a long time, as in meditation, places on the body by focusing on stretching connective tissue instead of muscle.
Yoga-Sool is an ancient form of yoga taught by martial arts Grandmaster Do Ju Nim. Yoga-Sool incorporates aspects of all the different schools of yoga discipline and applies those techniques to helping create the needed flexibility found within the martial arts discipline.
Other yoga styles that are growing in popularity include Laughter Yoga and Christian Yoga.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The simplicity which is found within the yoga practice traditions of the true Masters both in India and the Asian martial art systems have been highly misundrstood by the Western mind set and those who would try and discourage universal understanding within the disciplines. Many, if not all of the objections directed at this ancient practice, centers around the spirituality imbedded within the fundamental aspects of the art. The
The simplicity which is found within the yoga practice traditions of the true Masters both in India and the Asian martial art systems have been highly misundrstood by the Western mind set and those who would try and discourage universal understanding within the disciplines. Many, if not all of the objections directed at this ancient practice, centers around the spirituality imbedded within the fundamental aspects of the art. The
spiritual quality of any system as old and secretive as yoga once was, clearly allows for great misunderstandings to flourish over time. Hence the old adage of the blind men trying to explain what an elephant looks like. The idea that any one disoriented person could find the actual truth which has been concealed within the frabric of stories and song is outrageous and laughable. But when we allow the process imbedded within a vibriant tradition such as what is found within the tenants of yoga sool and all other schools of thought in regards to the yogic teachings we find an understanding as to the structure and nature of how the body and the mind work together to bring us to a sense of higher purpose and spiritual awareness. It is by stillness and a calm surroundings that the mind begins to merge with the body and sounds and colors give way to an open enlightenment of the richest tones and hues of light. Like a beautiful sunrise the mind's eye can see the ten thousand things which make up the world of endless bliss. The idea of love and joy and peace all come from this place. A place which we cannot grasp until we let go. Until we let go of all those thoughts and daily distractions which keep us from having mind-full-ness. Happy thoughts and feelings about who we are and what our purpose is in this life; full of possibilites. Some may call it crazy others just stare and point as if they can erase the power which comes from inside the centered life of a person at peace with all of creation. "Peace! Be Still."
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The Teachings of Integral Yoga
The Meaning of the Yantra
by Sri Swami Satchidananda
Integral Yoga® is a complete Yoga, and the Integral Yoga yantra is also complete. It is a representation of the entire cosmos.
Sometimes external images are used in meditation or worship to symbolize or express certain divine ideas and qualities. When mantras (sound formulas used in meditation) or divine ideas are meditated upon, certain images are brought out. It is something like liquid crystallizing into solid form. These geometric figures are actually crystallized mantra forms. A yantra is a physical expression of a mantra - a mantra being a Divine aspect in the form of sound vibration - yantra in the form of a geometrical figure.
In simple language, as I said before, our Integral Yoga yantra represents the entire creation. Each part of the yantra corresponds to a different aspect of the cosmos. According to yogic thinking, God or the Cosmic Consciousness, is originally unmanifest - just by Himself or Herself or Itself. As God begins to manifest, the first expression is as the sound vibration. The Bible explains it by saying, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Here "word" means sound.
In Sanskrit they say something similar but take it a step further. "Nada, bindhu, kalaa" - the sound, then the dot, then the art or rays. If God manifests as sound, you can't see anything. What is the smallest expression which you could see? The bindhu or dot. It should be the smallest possible particle. But, of course, if it is that small we can't see it, so in the yantra it is shown as a large dot in the very center. The bindhu represents the first physical expression, the very core of the cosmos. It is that dot which then expresses as kalaa. Kalaa means the different aspects or literally the different rays or different arts.
The next expressions are the three rings of different hues surrounding the bindhu. They represent the three gunas or basic qualities of nature: sattva (balance, rajas (activity) and tamas (inertia). In the yogic thinking, everything in this universe manifests uniquely because it results from a unique combination of these three. All differences in the phenomenal world are due to the variations of these three basic qualities.
Then you see the hexagon around the three rings. This can be very well explained with an example from science. If you take a photograph of a crystal, you will see that its normal shape is six-sided. That's why the yantra has the six triangles around the center. It means that the first speck of matter expresses itself as more complex matter like a crystal.
The six triangles are actually a combination of two larger triangles, one pointed down, the other up. As one triangle passes through the other, we get this six-sided figure. The triangle with apex upward represents the positive, or masculine aspect; the inverted triangle is the negative, or feminine, aspect. In Sanskrit this concept is called Siva-Shakti. It is a combination of the male and female, equally represented. There is no inferiority or superiority for either aspect; they blend perfectly together. Whichever way you turn the yantra, they remain the same. So it makes a complete whole, and this itself represents the entire nirguna (unmanifest) as well as saguna (manifest) aspects of the Supreme.
Once the triangles come together, the hexagon could then represent something else also: the six basic Tattvas or principles - the five senses and the mind as the sixth. The six-sided crystal then manifests outward in further expansions of the primordial energy and matter. Why and how does this happen? Out of love. So all the beautiful lotus petals represent the loving manifestation.
Another way of explaining the petals is that the eight inner petals represent the subtle elements, while the sixteen outer ones indicate their grosser manifestations.
Then you see the three large circles surrounding the lotuses. They indicate how these elements further express as the three worlds: causal, astral and physical. But even that is not the end. The Divine expression is unlimited. That is why the circles are framed by a square with gaps pointing outward, representing the infinity of creation.
Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthi.
© 2001 - 2006 Satchidananda Ashram - Yogaville. All rights reserved. Used by permission
The Meaning of the Yantra
by Sri Swami Satchidananda
Integral Yoga® is a complete Yoga, and the Integral Yoga yantra is also complete. It is a representation of the entire cosmos.
Sometimes external images are used in meditation or worship to symbolize or express certain divine ideas and qualities. When mantras (sound formulas used in meditation) or divine ideas are meditated upon, certain images are brought out. It is something like liquid crystallizing into solid form. These geometric figures are actually crystallized mantra forms. A yantra is a physical expression of a mantra - a mantra being a Divine aspect in the form of sound vibration - yantra in the form of a geometrical figure.
In simple language, as I said before, our Integral Yoga yantra represents the entire creation. Each part of the yantra corresponds to a different aspect of the cosmos. According to yogic thinking, God or the Cosmic Consciousness, is originally unmanifest - just by Himself or Herself or Itself. As God begins to manifest, the first expression is as the sound vibration. The Bible explains it by saying, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Here "word" means sound.
In Sanskrit they say something similar but take it a step further. "Nada, bindhu, kalaa" - the sound, then the dot, then the art or rays. If God manifests as sound, you can't see anything. What is the smallest expression which you could see? The bindhu or dot. It should be the smallest possible particle. But, of course, if it is that small we can't see it, so in the yantra it is shown as a large dot in the very center. The bindhu represents the first physical expression, the very core of the cosmos. It is that dot which then expresses as kalaa. Kalaa means the different aspects or literally the different rays or different arts.
The next expressions are the three rings of different hues surrounding the bindhu. They represent the three gunas or basic qualities of nature: sattva (balance, rajas (activity) and tamas (inertia). In the yogic thinking, everything in this universe manifests uniquely because it results from a unique combination of these three. All differences in the phenomenal world are due to the variations of these three basic qualities.
Then you see the hexagon around the three rings. This can be very well explained with an example from science. If you take a photograph of a crystal, you will see that its normal shape is six-sided. That's why the yantra has the six triangles around the center. It means that the first speck of matter expresses itself as more complex matter like a crystal.
The six triangles are actually a combination of two larger triangles, one pointed down, the other up. As one triangle passes through the other, we get this six-sided figure. The triangle with apex upward represents the positive, or masculine aspect; the inverted triangle is the negative, or feminine, aspect. In Sanskrit this concept is called Siva-Shakti. It is a combination of the male and female, equally represented. There is no inferiority or superiority for either aspect; they blend perfectly together. Whichever way you turn the yantra, they remain the same. So it makes a complete whole, and this itself represents the entire nirguna (unmanifest) as well as saguna (manifest) aspects of the Supreme.
Once the triangles come together, the hexagon could then represent something else also: the six basic Tattvas or principles - the five senses and the mind as the sixth. The six-sided crystal then manifests outward in further expansions of the primordial energy and matter. Why and how does this happen? Out of love. So all the beautiful lotus petals represent the loving manifestation.
Another way of explaining the petals is that the eight inner petals represent the subtle elements, while the sixteen outer ones indicate their grosser manifestations.
Then you see the three large circles surrounding the lotuses. They indicate how these elements further express as the three worlds: causal, astral and physical. But even that is not the end. The Divine expression is unlimited. That is why the circles are framed by a square with gaps pointing outward, representing the infinity of creation.
Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthi.
© 2001 - 2006 Satchidananda Ashram - Yogaville. All rights reserved. Used by permission
Monday, October 25, 2010
"By beholding we become changed". It has been said that , "Everyone's intelligence is on average the same - it is our concentra- tion span that differs." Many systems using different styles and types of techniques have been created to help the interested practioner of these paths to develop great focus and concentration. Many of these ideas find their roots in ancient systems of philosophical and spiritually based systems. If we look at the similarities of the elements found in these systems of thought we will recognize the deep intuitive longing we all have to know and experience the mysterious. It is like we, as humans, are hard-wired to venture out and explore the unknown. We love to learn. We love to share new ideas with those around us. We are the makers of our own destiny.
To know which ideas to discard and which ideas to hold on to is the key to all success. Here is where the rubber meets the road. The rise and fall of nations depends on it. Our own mark in the world will be created by what we accept as true and what we reject as false. Our thinking begins with our hearts. It begins with the quiet knowing that all things work together...
Blending new and old - hard and soft. Right and left - up and down. Step by step we must venture into uncharted territory. We must pick up where others have left off. Begin anew. It's not good enough to accept the easy way out, or to ignore the challenge which is before us. It is with undivided attention that we must focus on the task at hand.
So, let your breath rise and fall - keeping rhythm with the ebb and flow in the universe. Relax... Knowing that all things in time will find a way to meet the challenge which is here now. Keep going... Never stop. Find the Light which awaits your desire. Ever reaching for the prize which is set before you. Now, just let go...
"By beholding we become changed". It has been said that , "Everyone's intelligence is on average the same - it is our concentra- tion span that differs." Many systems using different styles and types of techniques have been created to help the interested practioner of these paths to develop great focus and concentration. Many of these ideas find their roots in ancient systems of philosophical and spiritually based systems. If we look at the similarities of the elements found in these systems of thought we will recognize the deep intuitive longing we all have to know and experience the mysterious. It is like we, as humans, are hard-wired to venture out and explore the unknown. We love to learn. We love to share new ideas with those around us. We are the makers of our own destiny.
To know which ideas to discard and which ideas to hold on to is the key to all success. Here is where the rubber meets the road. The rise and fall of nations depends on it. Our own mark in the world will be created by what we accept as true and what we reject as false. Our thinking begins with our hearts. It begins with the quiet knowing that all things work together...
Blending new and old - hard and soft. Right and left - up and down. Step by step we must venture into uncharted territory. We must pick up where others have left off. Begin anew. It's not good enough to accept the easy way out, or to ignore the challenge which is before us. It is with undivided attention that we must focus on the task at hand.
So, let your breath rise and fall - keeping rhythm with the ebb and flow in the universe. Relax... Knowing that all things in time will find a way to meet the challenge which is here now. Keep going... Never stop. Find the Light which awaits your desire. Ever reaching for the prize which is set before you. Now, just let go...
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Emotional integrity - true to our feelings, is often misplaced by all the baggage we carry around in which we hide from the very nature of our make-up. The gut, core reaction - that first impulse. The one that takes your breath away...
In a world where everything seems to be analyzed and categorized beyond recognition it is well for us to step back from all pontification and just take in the beauty, the raw reality of what we see and what we feel. Bask in the sunlight of a new day. Feel the moment.
When all that we see makes us shudder - with the sheer negativity of the situation - the tragic reality of the moment, even in these moments we need to step back and let the world unfirl in tones of gray or hues of sadness and unutterable pain. Then slowly allow the silence to shape our thoughts. Allow the mystery in life to unfold, one step at a time. Even now... we smile.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
What is Zen?
Zen is a practice; a way of living that is focused on being awake, finding joy, happiness and enlightenment in the present moment. It is a practice that measures its success by the degree of peace one experiences in their life. Zen is a 2600 year old method, evolving from Gotama the Buddha in India, which then spread to China, Vietnam, Japan, and all over the far east. From the Zen practice one attains enlightenment, which is the total eradication of suffering from our present lives, while peace and joy are the fruits of its core practice.
The core practice of Zen (a.k.a. Chan, Thiền) is the most direct method to attain deep understanding of the true nature of human existence. Zen emphasis is on the practice of meditation, while one arrives at the eradication of suffering through the understanding gained from the intuitive wisdom of simply sitting and observing reality in the present moment without the filters of subjective interpretation.
The earlier Zen masters of China used methods of self-inquiry or a series of questions without logical answers (also called Koan or Công Án) in order to direct students to observe and focus on the question, which would eventually break the mind's barrier to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of consciousness. This breaking of the mental barrier, or the brief moment of awakening that occurs is called a Satori (or Kensho, Đốn Ngộ). Usually, the student would come back to the teacher and describe what s/he understood and the teacher would then confirm his or her understanding (also called Ấn Chứng) and direct the student towards further practice.
When the student's understanding and practice is solidified, the teacher then confirms proper transmission of the Dharma and the student is then authorized to teach and guide others of his or her understanding into the true nature of life through non-dual teachings and the practice of Zen.
The practice of Zen is usually called the "method outside of indoctrination of Buddhism" (giáo ngoại biệt truyền). It is sometimes seen as being secretive, or perplexing by the ordinary person. There are many examples of Zen masters acting strange or talking with each other strangely, which many find puzzling, however, the teachings were meant only for the person to which the words or actions are communicated towards. So others rarely catch onto the hidden meanings behind the teaching for a certain individual.
The reason for the confusion is because the Truth of the Zen practice (a.k.a. Enlightenment) is non-conceptual. It is not for the rational mind to comprehend otherwise one could simply read a book about Zen and be done with it. We know that one could not simply read a book about playing guitar and be expected to be able to play like the author of the book when s/he is finished reading. In fact, for those with no musical experience, the words might not even make sense and yet for some reason, we expect ourselves to be able to understand the Truth of existence rationally and conceptually, as if we could fit the infinite into the finite space of our minds. If you are confused by Zen, that is a good place to start.
For many years Zen was viewed as something that must be taught in secret by an individual master to a student. The reason for this is that each individual is unique with their own unique conceptual and perceptual clinging in life. The teachings are sometimes on a one to one personal basis so that the student can ask any personal questions or describe any unique experiences that may come up in order to fully benefit from the guidance of the teacher.
In our daily lives we are so busy with making a living and fulfilling life's many responsibilities that for the average person, the study of Zen seems inaccessible. Contrary to what many believe, Zen is a very simple practice that can easily be incorporated into our daily lives in order to enrich our experience of the present moment, every moment of our lives. One thing Zen is not is a practice removed from the reality of this world. Try it out and see for yourself.
Zen is a practice; a way of living that is focused on being awake, finding joy, happiness and enlightenment in the present moment. It is a practice that measures its success by the degree of peace one experiences in their life. Zen is a 2600 year old method, evolving from Gotama the Buddha in India, which then spread to China, Vietnam, Japan, and all over the far east. From the Zen practice one attains enlightenment, which is the total eradication of suffering from our present lives, while peace and joy are the fruits of its core practice.
The core practice of Zen (a.k.a. Chan, Thiền) is the most direct method to attain deep understanding of the true nature of human existence. Zen emphasis is on the practice of meditation, while one arrives at the eradication of suffering through the understanding gained from the intuitive wisdom of simply sitting and observing reality in the present moment without the filters of subjective interpretation.
The earlier Zen masters of China used methods of self-inquiry or a series of questions without logical answers (also called Koan or Công Án) in order to direct students to observe and focus on the question, which would eventually break the mind's barrier to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of consciousness. This breaking of the mental barrier, or the brief moment of awakening that occurs is called a Satori (or Kensho, Đốn Ngộ). Usually, the student would come back to the teacher and describe what s/he understood and the teacher would then confirm his or her understanding (also called Ấn Chứng) and direct the student towards further practice.
When the student's understanding and practice is solidified, the teacher then confirms proper transmission of the Dharma and the student is then authorized to teach and guide others of his or her understanding into the true nature of life through non-dual teachings and the practice of Zen.
The practice of Zen is usually called the "method outside of indoctrination of Buddhism" (giáo ngoại biệt truyền). It is sometimes seen as being secretive, or perplexing by the ordinary person. There are many examples of Zen masters acting strange or talking with each other strangely, which many find puzzling, however, the teachings were meant only for the person to which the words or actions are communicated towards. So others rarely catch onto the hidden meanings behind the teaching for a certain individual.
The reason for the confusion is because the Truth of the Zen practice (a.k.a. Enlightenment) is non-conceptual. It is not for the rational mind to comprehend otherwise one could simply read a book about Zen and be done with it. We know that one could not simply read a book about playing guitar and be expected to be able to play like the author of the book when s/he is finished reading. In fact, for those with no musical experience, the words might not even make sense and yet for some reason, we expect ourselves to be able to understand the Truth of existence rationally and conceptually, as if we could fit the infinite into the finite space of our minds. If you are confused by Zen, that is a good place to start.
For many years Zen was viewed as something that must be taught in secret by an individual master to a student. The reason for this is that each individual is unique with their own unique conceptual and perceptual clinging in life. The teachings are sometimes on a one to one personal basis so that the student can ask any personal questions or describe any unique experiences that may come up in order to fully benefit from the guidance of the teacher.
In our daily lives we are so busy with making a living and fulfilling life's many responsibilities that for the average person, the study of Zen seems inaccessible. Contrary to what many believe, Zen is a very simple practice that can easily be incorporated into our daily lives in order to enrich our experience of the present moment, every moment of our lives. One thing Zen is not is a practice removed from the reality of this world. Try it out and see for yourself.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
..Into The Wind
Nine years ago I remember sitting and watching as the world, without warning, seemed to have stopped in its tracks. Everyone was trying to make sense of the tragedy which has come to be known as 9-11. In a split second the world did not seem as safe. Everywhere you looked there seemed to be police - soldiers standing guard, especially from my vantage point at one of the world's international airports where suddenly no one seemed safe and everyone was a suspect just waiting to be checked through a growing line of chaos and fears not knowing what to expect around the next unattended bag. The fear was real and people were glued to the tv screens for any new news which might bring some sense of calm to the situation. None came. It was as if nature herself had lent a deathblow to the world of sanity and calm. It was as if the entire world was slowly spinning out of control. And yet here we are nine years later...
What have we learned? Where do we stand? Is it ok to look out of our hiding place and feel safe; knowing that we have survived the biggest event in our lifetime to date? The experiences we call living, can help us to understand each other or drive us deeper into the well of unknowing and isolation. The ideas embodied in our minds with all of the emotional attachments we carry around can propel us in many directions. It's all depending on how we decide to accept or reject the truth which lies hidden within those life experiences.
Into the wind... Let the Great Spirit be your guide.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
That's The Way Love Goes...
Deep in the heart of humanity lies the desire to come full circle and realize all that we have lost in the process of becoming civilized humans - people with an education devoid of those things which we all once possessed and cherished. Things like honesty and true understanding. Things like the wisdom to know the difference between need and greed.
In all our modern training and skill sets developed for speed and ease of living - we have ignored the disciplines of caring and respect. Of course these words and all that they convey have also lost much of their true meaning and intent.
The old ways of the wise ones has been distorted in such a way that even their memories are tainted by the modern spin which is woven into the stories we tell of the not so distant past. The past which had so much spirit and genuine love to share.
Yes, there have always been problems. There have always been those who would stand in defiance of all that is right and good. There have always been those who would trouble the waters. Even so, the modern departure from the ways imbedded in the very fabric of nature - the calm before the storm - the wind rustling in the grass, whirling around our head letting us know that the rain is coming; has left us shattered. Shattered pieces of broken clay - people without a true spirit. Without a vision which only comes from the essence of knowing the True Way.
If only we knew how to take back the time. The time lost. The times we would have, could have, should have...
Yet deep in our inner being there lies the will, the desire to rise again. To rise above the hurt and pain we dish out in anger and despair. To rise above the broken path we walk - in this modern, intellectual, artificial creation we call living. Take back the old ways - align ourselves with the true way of being human. Wake to the realization that life is only one go - around. One chance to get it right. Realize that in this moment we have the will - the desire and the strength of mind to take it all back, and find our true destiny. Our destiny which calls us to accept our Divine right to be truly human. Truly free... Truly in love.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
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O-Sensei 1883-1969 |
The mystical and the mysterious in life exist if for no other reason - to let us know that we are, as humans, but a tiny speck in the bigger picture of cosmological existence. The best attempts of men and mice has yet to erase that fact from our consciousness. Every time science comes up with the ultimate answer to the puzzle called life - some new un-answered discovery threatens to disrupt the even flow of consensus.
The power within life is truly a mystery. A profound mystery which no one has ever been able to grasp; let alone explain. The subtle movements found in all martial arts and the masters who for years have held to the path of least resistance in style and technique, have wielded a sublime strength which heaven and earth cannot tame.
Ki cultivation is at the root of all true martial art. Bushido is the way of truth and peace. My master, Dojunim - is a living legend. In the same spirit of endless grace, the effortless movements with decisive stopping power still captivates the imagination. Very few masters today hold this gift in their martial arsenal of traditional techniques. It is a gift which belongs to those who seek with all their heart in single-mindedness; and in that process - touch the face of the Mysterious Great Spirit.
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Do Ju Nim 9th Dan Hapdosool |
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
At times we see only that which we want to see. In a
world of sensory overload, where beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and all lines can be tested and crossed at any time - we must begin this journey called life at the one point which creates for us the final step into the abyss... That final question which brings us to our senses as it were and causes us to live anew. The moment when facts fade into fiction and all questions are resolved in the whirlwind of the "endless meditation" which comes sooner or later to all who close their eyes for the last time.
In trying to find the source of all that is true and good and real - we spend most of our days wandering in circles of philisophical goo - unable to take the final step which starts our life's journey in one singular, emphatic leap of faith. Great courage is needed to step onto a pathless path - a world which is unwritten and uncharted. To glimpse into the mind of the Infinite is not without its perils but is well worth the effort.
Step by step we venture on into the great unknown. Moment by moment we grasp at the ellusive golden ring. In a blink of an eye we come face to face with our mortality. In an instant all those things which seemed so important fade to black...
It is in a moment like this which, when it comes to us, we must take the opportunity to be honest and true with ourselves and count the cost of living a life. A life which we can lay on the alter of all which has preceded this moment. A life which is laced with moments spent in the shade of unconditional love. A life which is etched in the hearts and minds molded through example and all things bright and beautiful. A life which glows in the embers of all things immortal...
So that when all is said and done, we realize that the final question is in fact the first question which greets us at each new day - a day we are given to experience this thing called life. The final question is both simple and profound. Peaceful and yet full of anticipation. In the final question we begin where we left off - transfixed by this thing called life - greatful to be alive. Wishing and hoping for one more day...
Monday, June 14, 2010
Wisdom Is...
Watch your thoughts, for they become your words. Choose your words, for they become your actions. Understand your actions, for they become your habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character for it becomes your destiny.-
Author Unknown
Monday, May 31, 2010
Faith Hope & Love
There must be some hidden meaning to the ideas that swirl around the words Faith Hope and Love. We all know that in order to live life to its fullest we need faith hope and love - the intrinsic mind-stuff that makes the world have meaning. The all in all to everything worth holding on to. In a world of chaos and nearing the total colapse of civilization - with all of the drama that goes along with such events - I find myself wishing. Wishing for a change... A time when life still held its innocense in the mind of a baby. When up was up and down was down.
It seems that now all we get for the buck is a bunch of useless chatter which leaves us feeling empty and lost. Try as we might nothing really seems to fill that aching void which whirls around in our head never really stopping or giving us any indication of how we got here - to this moment, this lost state on mind.
We hurry around acting like we are doing something important. Something which has to be done. Chasing our tails, as it were, in an endless stream of media hype and useless data. Mindless chatter which makes one wonder what the fuss is all about. It's time for a change.
So, change we must. The first step is to step back from all the political posturing, the endless drama that passes for usefull information. We must find the inner strength to admit our need of direction. Our need for a perspective which can shower our path with the Light of Life and guide our very steps. We must stop and see the beauty all around us - in spite of the shadows which eclipse the light in our everyday struggle to rise above it all. We must grasp the ungraspable. Higher than the highest human thought - this is where we belong.
The first steps must be taken in silence. The quiet solitude of knowing that all is not lost. There is hope. There is love... Have faith my friend - Just believe.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Taoism - The Basics

Taoism - The Basics
Words exist because of meaning; once you've gotten the meaning, you can forget the words. Where can I find a man who has forgotten words so I can have a word with him?
Zhuangzi, chapter 26 (B. Watson, The Complete Works of Chuang-tzu, 302)
In a general way, Taoism may be defined as a traditional form of thought and religion, based on some central notions, cults, and practices but never subject to systematization as a whole, and syncretic but at the same time self-contained--in the sense that while it integrates many elements from other traditions, it frequently emphasizes its distinction from them. These basic features underlie different formulations of doctrinal notions and a large variety of practices, ranging from self-cultivation to communal rituals.
The main early Taoist text is the Daode jing (Scripture of the Way and its Virtue), a short work consisting of aphorisms attributed to Laozi (the Old Master, or Old Child). Although some scholars have suggested that other sources might be slightly earlier, virtually all movements and lineages within Taoism consider this as the founding scripture of the entire tradition, even though they may venerate their own texts and their own founders. Another early work, the Zhuangzi (Book of Master Zhuang), has provided Taoism with doctrines, notions, and technical vocabulary throughout its history. Despite differences in emphasis, the two texts present the same view of the Dao and its relation to the world.
The word dao has two main meanings, namely "way" and "method." The early Taoist texts are the first ones to use this word to mean the Absolute. For the Daode jing, the Dao has no name and is beyond any description or definition; the word dao itself is used only because one "is forced" to refer to it. The Dao is unknowable, has no form and therefore does not undergo change, is "constant," and is "invisible, inaudible, and imperceptible." The two principles of Non-being (wu) and Being (you) are contained within it. Yet the Dao, in spite of its being "indistinct and vague" (huanghu), contains an "essence" (jing) that is the seed of the world of multiplicity. Under this second aspect--which can be distinguished from the previous one only from the perspective of the domain of relativity--the Dao is the "beginning" of the world and its "mother."
The person who has "returned to the Dao" is called in the Daode jing the shengren, a term that in a Taoist context may be translated as "saint" to distinguish him from the Confucian "sage." As the highest realized human being who has achieved liberation in life, the Taoist saint has transcended the limitations of individuality and form; he continues to remain in the world of multiplicity until he has completely fulfilled his function in it, but from an absolute point of view, which is the one in which he constantly dwells, his self-identity is already null, for he is identified with absolute Principle. In the human world, he "practices the teaching without words" and "makes it possible for the ten thousand things to function, but does not start them."
To a significant extent, the history of Taoism may be seen as a continuous restatement of the principles enunciated in the early founding texts. To an equally significant extent, its development has been marked by the adaptation to varying historical circumstances, the response to the needs and demands of different social groups, and the incorporation of notions, beliefs, cults, and practices derived from other trends of thought and religion.
At the beginning of this process is the deification of Laozi, now represented not only as the sage who expounds the metaphysical doctrines of the Daode jing, but also as a messiah who embodies the Dao and reappears at different times either as a sage counselor of political rulers, or as the inspirer of religious leaders. In one of his transformations, Lord Lao appeared (in 142 CE, according to the traditional date) to a healer, Zhang Daoling, in the southwestern region of Sichuan. Lord Lao established a covenant (meng) with Zhang Daoling, revealing to him the teaching of Orthodox Unity (zhengyi) and bestowing upon him the title of Celestial Master (tianshi). This revelation is at the origin of the
Way of the Celestial Masters (Tianshi dao), a priestly lineage that continues to exist in the present day.
The diaspora of the Celestial Masters' communities after the end of the Han (early third century) resulted in the expansion of the new religion to other parts of China. Its spread in Jiangnan, the region south of the lower Yangzi River, was one of the prerequisites for the formation of two other major corpora of Taoist doctrines, texts, and practices in the second half of the fourth century. The first corpus, known as Shangqing (Highest Clarity), derived from revelations that occurred from 364 to 370 and was centered on meditation practices; the second, known as Lingbao (Numinous Treasure), derived from revelations that occurred between ca. 395 and 405 and was based on communal ritual. These two codifications clearly define, for the first time, the two main poles of Taoism as a whole, namely inner, individual practices on the one hand, and collective practices for the community of the faithful, or for the dead, on the other.
The relations among these traditions were formally codified in the early fifth century in the system of the Three Caverns (sandong). Its main purpose was to hierarchically arrange the different legacies of Jiangnan, assigning the higher rank to Shangqing, the intermediate one to Lingbao, and the lower one to other local traditions. Around 500 CE, the corpora associated with the Daode jing, the Taiping jing (Scripture of Great Peace), alchemy, and the Way of the Celestial Masters were incorporated into this system and assigned to the so-called Four Supplements (sifu). The Three Caverns also provided the formal schema for other important aspects of Taoist doctrine and practice, including the ordination stages of the Taoist priests (daoshi) and the arrangement of scriptural and other writings in the collections of Taoist texts (Daozang) that began to take shape from the early fifth century.
This model continued to perform this function even after the contours of Taoist religion were reshaped by several new revelations and codifications during the Song period (960-1279) and later, and by the creation in the early thirteenth century of Quanzhen (Complete Reality, or Complete Perfection), a monastic order that is, with the Way of the Celestial Masters, the main branch of present-day Taoism.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Be Still and Know...
In a world where so many people seem to be displaced and unaware of their true potential - where all around us we hear of, and see so much pain and tragedy on a daily basis - it is hard not to become complacent, even cynical to the point that we throw up our hands and give up all hope. It is easy to get so wrapped up in the details of this life that we sucomb to the mind numbing challenges we are confronted with each and every waking moment.
But as the sun sets and the lights go out - our world becomes less driven by the beat of a different drummer - we find ourselves thinking about the possibilites. The thoughts of genius arise from these moments in time. The power to go on - to try again - is found in the quiet, darkness of nowhere - the rhythm of our beating hearts filling the void that we feel. In these quiet moments the peace we are longing for stands ready to give us what we need. We need only to "let go..."
Finding the inner strength to fight the fight of future fears - yet unknown - comes to us one moment at a time. In the silence of the inner solitude - when life's endless noise is quieted - we find ourselves face to face with the power which awaits our command. We discover the truth which is always ready to come to our rescue. It is in this moment that all the universe stands still and bows to our wishes...
"Be still and know that I AM..."
Monday, March 15, 2010
Back In The Swing...
Sometimes life will throw you a curve ball, a human juggerknott that cannot be undone. The totallity of the situation is so overwhelming that only in the aftermath can the enormity of the situation fe'tal be correctly understood. My mind is tripping, skipping, looking for a way out...
The sun won't shine, the rain won't stop. Coming up empty - alone again in a cold world, seems to be the norm... Still I must try. Try as I might nothing seems to change. Coming up empty-handed wondering if this is my last breath... Alone.
...And still somehow the will to go on never stops beating somewhere deep inside. We all feel it. Sometimes ignore it... But still it persists... Like a bullet shot in the dark we feel the urge, the desire to be something, to go on and make something out of nothing. The still small voice is still talking, whispering, callling out to us telling us to "look and live." Even in the darkest dark - the blackest black night, the power to live pushes us forward, like a beating heart, never sleeping - just keeping the rhythm - the rhythm of hope...
No matter how far you have fallen, no matter where you are - You have hope. You have the spark that ignites the fire of Love. Have faith in the knowledge that all things work themselves out in good times - and in bad. Just keep breathing. keep listening to your heart... beat. Know that you are not alone. I've been where you are... Never give up. Just trust in the ONE who knows how to mend the broken heart - the broken life.... All is not lost! Open your eyes and see that the sun is coming up... even in the middle of your darkest night... the moon shines with the light of the sun.
Trust the wisdom of the ages... You will come back better than ever. Like a tiger... Back in the swing!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The Tao of Silence...
"Men craving holiness use words-to create images of their gods,
and confuse faith with their pride in their own inventions.
The Taoist sage shuns words and trusts silence-
knowing full well the Tao is beyond the reach of concepts."
The Tao Te Ching
and confuse faith with their pride in their own inventions.
The Taoist sage shuns words and trusts silence-
knowing full well the Tao is beyond the reach of concepts."
The Tao Te Ching
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Heart To Heart
Heart to Heart...
In this life we are surrounded by choices. Every now and then we come face to face with our deepest fears. When we close our eyes and look beyond the visible known world where darkness and light are one, we begin to experience true reality. In quiet solitude, the awareness of being alive and knowing that life is so much more than living, becomes crystal clear. To realize that spark, the magic of the moment when heart meets heart in the dance of love...
We all have felt it once or twice in our lifetimes. The experience has left some of us jaded, cold and broken hearted. Afraid to pick up the pieces of our shattered lives, we sink into a state of empty loss and endless regret. Never knowing quite how to find our way back to the place we used to be - when life was full of wonder and joy. Happiness, the phantom illusion of momentary bliss, somehow escapes our grasp as we recoil from the pain and sorrow which comes from such deep loss and heartache. I know the way is often not what we would choose - if we could. Life, with its ups and downs, whirls around in our heads as we look out into a world of our own creation.
Time sometimes has a way of deadening the pain, but for most of us, burying our heads in the sands of some altered mindset suits us just fine... We awake to another day - lost. In silence, where we find time standing still, as it were, where shattered dreams lie next to hopes yet to be realized, it is here that we begin anew... Where hearts beat in unison and the world is reborn. It is here that we begin to shape our futures past and present. It is the place where dreams come true. In silence, the beating heart is heard, whispering quietly, "I love you!" Go on... Laugh. Smile... You are free!
In this life we are surrounded by choices. Every now and then we come face to face with our deepest fears. When we close our eyes and look beyond the visible known world where darkness and light are one, we begin to experience true reality. In quiet solitude, the awareness of being alive and knowing that life is so much more than living, becomes crystal clear. To realize that spark, the magic of the moment when heart meets heart in the dance of love...
We all have felt it once or twice in our lifetimes. The experience has left some of us jaded, cold and broken hearted. Afraid to pick up the pieces of our shattered lives, we sink into a state of empty loss and endless regret. Never knowing quite how to find our way back to the place we used to be - when life was full of wonder and joy. Happiness, the phantom illusion of momentary bliss, somehow escapes our grasp as we recoil from the pain and sorrow which comes from such deep loss and heartache. I know the way is often not what we would choose - if we could. Life, with its ups and downs, whirls around in our heads as we look out into a world of our own creation.
Time sometimes has a way of deadening the pain, but for most of us, burying our heads in the sands of some altered mindset suits us just fine... We awake to another day - lost. In silence, where we find time standing still, as it were, where shattered dreams lie next to hopes yet to be realized, it is here that we begin anew... Where hearts beat in unison and the world is reborn. It is here that we begin to shape our futures past and present. It is the place where dreams come true. In silence, the beating heart is heard, whispering quietly, "I love you!" Go on... Laugh. Smile... You are free!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
In The Eye Of The Beholder...
...In The Eye Of The Beholder
Life is a mystery. Without mystery the world looks very dark and cold... Like a candle without a flame. The uncertainty of life with its long shadows hiding in the long forgotten corners of our mind, shrouding the next bend in the road of fate... The light from a distant star rises on the horizon, as a lone eagle soars above the clouds, calling us to greet the day. The Great Spirit whispers in the morning wind as if to say, "Aloha! Welcome to another world - another magnificent day of life."We see what we want to see... An ocean teaming with color and life - seems like an endless ocean of grey. A piece of driftwood covered by sand waits to be found by the Master surfer... Clear blue skys are met by tall green palm trees waiting to be cut down and fashioned into some sea worthy vessel. When all the world is astir in light... Some see only darkness.
Since the beginning of time, our imaginations have been fueled by the sparks and embers shooting from the campsite fire. Ablaze in wonder - yet baffled by the quiet and simple things in life... We try to touch the horizon where earth meets sky, and we are moved by the beauty of it all. For those of us who refuse to believe - to believe in the Goodness of life, when all around us stands the evidence of nothing less than Love personified... I say, "Look around and see the beauty in the world of light - and be drawn to the flame we call life..." Beauty - in the eye of the beholder.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
This Is The Time...
..This is the TimeTue Jul 29, 2008
Maybe I am writing more these days for myself than anyone in particular, I dunno... But in each passing day the world is getting smaller, the differences between us seem to be getting wider. Like an ocean of requieted fears, our lives are flowing in an ebb and flow which swirls around moments of crazy days piled on top of each other - like driftwood caught in a whirlpool. The music pounds out a rhythm lost in the moment drumming - drowning out the screaming next door neighbours - caught in a fight of wills. Funny, how nothing seems to be able to wake the dead - or really make sense...What matters the most to me now, is YOU! You - the one who walked away. You - who blew my mind in a split second... You who made me fall down all over your eyes - so blue, now. You, rocked my world in ways that no words can describe. Like a train going so fast - then the tracks just ended...
Some call it love. I just call it fate. In a world that makes no sense, you brought meaning to my life, in a crazy way beyond anything anyone ever has. Swirling in the memories of you, brings a smile to my face... I go to sleep calling your name. I wake up with your face plastered in my dreams... Reality fades into a mirage of endless waves of the brightest colors - red and gold, purple and grey - tripping over myself, lost in the knowledge that I have been touched by an angel - for sure! So, before I lose all sense of any dignity I ever had, I walk away... ever so slowly. In the hopes that you will know and see what the real truth can do - my heart belongs to you. It's ok... I know you must go. In the early morning myst, in the fog that haunts my mind. I only see what the bright starlight can show... Love is so intoxicating... poured into the life of one lost soul like a sweet wine overflowing... How we got here it's hard to tell... Nevertheless all my thanx to you for every second you shared...We never know how close we have come to real love till it passes us by... to be continued...
This Is The Time... cont.
This is the Time... cont.Sat Sep 13, 2008
Some people seem to move in and out of our lives in ways that only can be described as angelic. Ana was one of those people. Funny, always smiling - even when there was so little to be happy about... she just knew how to make you laugh. I still don't know why, but the gods of war must have been working over time... starcrossed lovers. From heart-stopping sweet sixteen to thirty-something in a blink of an eye! I still gasp at the thought... so perfect in every way. She had what everyone would call "The Look". She was one for the ages... even Playboy mag. came a calling... she wasn't selling. So much talent and grace... gone in the blink of an eye.Sometimes I think that all the drama of the last twenty years could have been avoided if I had just stayed the course and lived my dream... but the logical side of my brain won out and I let it all just slip away... gone.
Now, as I look back on what could have been, what should have been the memories all come flooding back... a view so spectacular, so stunning that there are no words to describe this rare beauty, this angelic face... a perfect 10.Dance the dance... the music is calling. Feel the beat, get in the groove... dance your blues away...
Some people seem to move in and out of our lives in ways that only can be described as angelic. Ana was one of those people. Funny, always smiling - even when there was so little to be happy about... she just knew how to make you laugh. I still don't know why, but the gods of war must have been working over time... starcrossed lovers. From heart-stopping sweet sixteen to thirty-something in a blink of an eye! I still gasp at the thought... so perfect in every way. She had what everyone would call "The Look". She was one for the ages... even Playboy mag. came a calling... she wasn't selling. So much talent and grace... gone in the blink of an eye.Sometimes I think that all the drama of the last twenty years could have been avoided if I had just stayed the course and lived my dream... but the logical side of my brain won out and I let it all just slip away... gone.
Now, as I look back on what could have been, what should have been the memories all come flooding back... a view so spectacular, so stunning that there are no words to describe this rare beauty, this angelic face... a perfect 10.Dance the dance... the music is calling. Feel the beat, get in the groove... dance your blues away...
So here I am... thinking about you. Dunno why life is this way... Moments form into minutes - and hours fly by in a moment. A moment in time, like a snowflake, quietly falling down in the night air - a shooting star illuminates the night sky - like a roman candle shot from a cannon into the dark blackness of an illusion...
A small fire crackles in the dark. Sparks flying into the night time air...
Who knows when a moment like this will come around again. Moments, so fleeting - never knowing what or when the realization of such beauty will be seen again...
Maybe all is lost. Maybe, somehow we missed the magical, almost mystical moment within moments so ordinary, even the wind doesn't seem to notice. All the snow on the ground. glistening in the light of a full moon...
Fresh footprints hide the quiet feelings two hearts share... Maybe in time - the moments will bring us around to the realization that eludes us now. Crazy as it seems, life is a wonderful, exciting chain of little moments all linking together to bring us back to the one thing that we cannot ignore...
Everything beautiful holds the promise of a life full of love and happiness. Never doubt... The truth is calling.
Monday, February 22, 2010
...Missing You!
Missing You...
The myst will rise. The snow-capped mountains with all their azure hued post card views - sparkling in the early morning sun, speak of another day, another place in time - forgotten by the gods of war. It doesn't matter where you've been - the long and winding road somehow finds its way to your door... Like a tiger in the jungle heat, looking for a cool river stream and a place to hide from the noon-day sun.If the truth be told, I am surrounded by your mysterious gaze - your sensual ways... Lost in a world of sheer beauty. Never knowing which way to go... I travel on, one step at a time, listening for the rhythm of one heart - one beat that echos long and sure into the night. From this one place I arise to venture out alone... Taking with me the knowledge of some ancient wisdom spun from the dream catcher's web. The light in my eye, like a rainbow of colors - looking far over the bright horizon, I can see so clearly now, your face... In the hope that you will feel the touch of my gaze, I look past all the tears, all the hurt and pain. If a smile finds its way to your lips, it's because I'm smiling too... running fast - back to you!
The myst will rise. The snow-capped mountains with all their azure hued post card views - sparkling in the early morning sun, speak of another day, another place in time - forgotten by the gods of war. It doesn't matter where you've been - the long and winding road somehow finds its way to your door... Like a tiger in the jungle heat, looking for a cool river stream and a place to hide from the noon-day sun.If the truth be told, I am surrounded by your mysterious gaze - your sensual ways... Lost in a world of sheer beauty. Never knowing which way to go... I travel on, one step at a time, listening for the rhythm of one heart - one beat that echos long and sure into the night. From this one place I arise to venture out alone... Taking with me the knowledge of some ancient wisdom spun from the dream catcher's web. The light in my eye, like a rainbow of colors - looking far over the bright horizon, I can see so clearly now, your face... In the hope that you will feel the touch of my gaze, I look past all the tears, all the hurt and pain. If a smile finds its way to your lips, it's because I'm smiling too... running fast - back to you!
To Save A Life...
...To Save a Life
The other day, I was out at the park next to the marina having a nice kick-backed time with some dear friends of mine. We had been at the park, cooking up some spicy tidbits on the barbie - just hanging...We took a walk to the north side of the lake to feed some ducklings and their mom - who were swimming near the marsh next to the wooden bridge. There were people fishing off the bridge. People were everywhere. It was a bright sunny day - after all. I noticed a couple of kids running around - back and forth across the bridge and just having fun... And then it happened.The two kids stopped running and went over to the edge of the lake to look at the water. I heard someone say, "That kid is going to fall into the water!" I glanced over and saw the two kids leaning over the cement retaining wall; looking at the water. And then, as if on cue - the kid with the bushy blonde hair - just face planted into the lake and sank like a rock! He was maybe six or seven years old. Dunno... His little friend just stared at the water. My mind raced. No one moved. Where were this kid's parents? Who was watching this disaster in the making?
My mind went back to another day - when I was four years old...My family had been on a camping trip with a private club in the jungles of Peru... There was an old Olympic sized pool full of green mirky water - and someone got the bright idea to throw me in the deep end of the pool. I didn't know how to swim. My mom, who was one of the camp leaders, just screamed as I flew through the air and sank into the deep, dark waters. Down, down, down I went. To this day I can remember thinking, "I am going to die... don't open your mouth!" "Hold on tight!" I was talking to myself, as the weeds and algae floated past... I just kept going down to the bottom of the pool. No one came to rescue me. After what seemed like a lifetime, I began to float back to the surface. I could hear people screaming, "Swim!" I just wanted to breathe...
It's funny how in a moment, in the life and death balancing act - the mind seems to slow down and stop - all the while flashing millions of bits of information in front of your eyes, like a movie re-winding in slow-motion. To save a life... we never know when we will be asked to make a split decision - To save a life. Life is a profound mystery. Precious... Unexplainable......
My mind raced. Yet I was calm. Without thinking I ran. I ran to the edge of the water, looking for a body in the frigid waters. I didn't think about the cell phone in my pocket or the wallet with all my identification; melted in a second. I just reacted on all the memories which were flashing through my mind... I jumped into the icy water. People were standing on the shore when I emerged from the lake with a little boy looking so scared. I yelled at him, "Breathe!" It was de ja vu all over again. My life had come full circle. In that scared little face I came face to face with my life. All the sadness. All the heartache, in an instant, was gone. Seeing that little boy run off with his friend into the crowd brought tears to my eyes... My world will forever be changed. Eventhough no parent stepped forward to say thanks - eventhough I'm sure I will never see that little boy again - I feel as if my world has taken on some new kind of meaning. I'm sure it will... I know what it means - to save a life.
The other day, I was out at the park next to the marina having a nice kick-backed time with some dear friends of mine. We had been at the park, cooking up some spicy tidbits on the barbie - just hanging...We took a walk to the north side of the lake to feed some ducklings and their mom - who were swimming near the marsh next to the wooden bridge. There were people fishing off the bridge. People were everywhere. It was a bright sunny day - after all. I noticed a couple of kids running around - back and forth across the bridge and just having fun... And then it happened.The two kids stopped running and went over to the edge of the lake to look at the water. I heard someone say, "That kid is going to fall into the water!" I glanced over and saw the two kids leaning over the cement retaining wall; looking at the water. And then, as if on cue - the kid with the bushy blonde hair - just face planted into the lake and sank like a rock! He was maybe six or seven years old. Dunno... His little friend just stared at the water. My mind raced. No one moved. Where were this kid's parents? Who was watching this disaster in the making?
My mind went back to another day - when I was four years old...My family had been on a camping trip with a private club in the jungles of Peru... There was an old Olympic sized pool full of green mirky water - and someone got the bright idea to throw me in the deep end of the pool. I didn't know how to swim. My mom, who was one of the camp leaders, just screamed as I flew through the air and sank into the deep, dark waters. Down, down, down I went. To this day I can remember thinking, "I am going to die... don't open your mouth!" "Hold on tight!" I was talking to myself, as the weeds and algae floated past... I just kept going down to the bottom of the pool. No one came to rescue me. After what seemed like a lifetime, I began to float back to the surface. I could hear people screaming, "Swim!" I just wanted to breathe...
It's funny how in a moment, in the life and death balancing act - the mind seems to slow down and stop - all the while flashing millions of bits of information in front of your eyes, like a movie re-winding in slow-motion. To save a life... we never know when we will be asked to make a split decision - To save a life. Life is a profound mystery. Precious... Unexplainable......
My mind raced. Yet I was calm. Without thinking I ran. I ran to the edge of the water, looking for a body in the frigid waters. I didn't think about the cell phone in my pocket or the wallet with all my identification; melted in a second. I just reacted on all the memories which were flashing through my mind... I jumped into the icy water. People were standing on the shore when I emerged from the lake with a little boy looking so scared. I yelled at him, "Breathe!" It was de ja vu all over again. My life had come full circle. In that scared little face I came face to face with my life. All the sadness. All the heartache, in an instant, was gone. Seeing that little boy run off with his friend into the crowd brought tears to my eyes... My world will forever be changed. Eventhough no parent stepped forward to say thanks - eventhough I'm sure I will never see that little boy again - I feel as if my world has taken on some new kind of meaning. I'm sure it will... I know what it means - to save a life.
Just Beyond...
Just Beyond the Shadows...
Like a light, shining in the midst of the storm - the foaming waves lashing out in fury upon the merciless rocks below. As if knocking on death's door, pounding out in rhythm, one last desperate tune. The certainty of impending doom, cast aside, in a futile struggle to survive the coming crisis. The demise of so many hopes and dreams... And then out of nowhere, shines a light, the light of inspiration. Like a beacon of hope, dispelling the gloom and giving rise to an inner calmness, a voluptuous knowing, surrounded in wisdom's mantle of ageless symmetry and golden lore...To see and to appreciate the beautyy of form, a vision in luminus colour awaits the eye of the beholder. It's not enough just to gaze into the light and know of the ageless beauty within, one must immerse their soul into deep waters, dive down into the crystal clear pools of unrequited love and there, as if for the first time, drink at the geyser - the fountain of immortal youth.So, moving and so emotional can be the experience, that the mind, as it were, will go mad.
To grasp the unspeakable richness and textures, the hues of the subtle female form, aglow in radiant perfection, can transform the darkest night and dispel the shadows which loom, larger than life. Faith, hope and love triangulate and merge into one at the mere glimpse of personifed perfection. Walking towards me now, I see it all so crystal clear... I am left speechless! Living beauty, in radiant light... Her smile,... her lips, ... her kiss!
Next Time...
Next Time...Fri Mar 8, 2008, 6:22 AM
It's six o'clock in the morning, and my mind is somewhere else in the mystikal world where dreams melt into reality and nothing is ever quite the same again. On the brink of some long forgotten past, I stand... The cloudy skys - all aglow, tinged with the fading moonlight, covered by the azure sparkles of the sun rising above the horizon. The world seems so peaceful - when it's fast asleep. Before the rush of traffic looms its ugly head. I watch the sunlight as it dances on the water in front of me - the ocean's waves with its foam dripping like frosting - cascading down onto the wind whipped sand. Thinking back, over my life, I have to smile when I see how the years have flown by - in a flash... gone! The memories... Bittersweet memories. The moments I treasure...Maybe next time I will get it right! Maybe next time I'll have all my ducks in a row... Everyone will cheer to see me up so high; I'll be someone who everyone looks up to. Maybe next time...But who am I kidding? This time is all I've got. This time around, the flowers are blooming and spring is in the air! This time, I have the knowledge, no - the wisdom to carry on with the knowing that as long as I've made a difference in one person's life - showed my true feelings - and loved the moment, that is enough! This time I look for the meaning in all the meaningless hustle and bustle we call life.I know it's all a little bit personal. A bit tacky... you're probably wondering where I am going with all of this dribble... Well, it's my birthday - and I feel like letting go...So, I will... For once in my life I won't shed a tear. I won't cry. I won't say, 'Next time... No! Living for the moment! Ah, yes! It's my birthday!... And I feel good!
It's six o'clock in the morning, and my mind is somewhere else in the mystikal world where dreams melt into reality and nothing is ever quite the same again. On the brink of some long forgotten past, I stand... The cloudy skys - all aglow, tinged with the fading moonlight, covered by the azure sparkles of the sun rising above the horizon. The world seems so peaceful - when it's fast asleep. Before the rush of traffic looms its ugly head. I watch the sunlight as it dances on the water in front of me - the ocean's waves with its foam dripping like frosting - cascading down onto the wind whipped sand. Thinking back, over my life, I have to smile when I see how the years have flown by - in a flash... gone! The memories... Bittersweet memories. The moments I treasure...Maybe next time I will get it right! Maybe next time I'll have all my ducks in a row... Everyone will cheer to see me up so high; I'll be someone who everyone looks up to. Maybe next time...But who am I kidding? This time is all I've got. This time around, the flowers are blooming and spring is in the air! This time, I have the knowledge, no - the wisdom to carry on with the knowing that as long as I've made a difference in one person's life - showed my true feelings - and loved the moment, that is enough! This time I look for the meaning in all the meaningless hustle and bustle we call life.I know it's all a little bit personal. A bit tacky... you're probably wondering where I am going with all of this dribble... Well, it's my birthday - and I feel like letting go...So, I will... For once in my life I won't shed a tear. I won't cry. I won't say, 'Next time... No! Living for the moment! Ah, yes! It's my birthday!... And I feel good!
Its been said before, I'm sure - that nothing ever stays the same. Always changing, rearranging - sometimes up sometimes down, the wheel of life goes round and round. It seems to me that in our hurry to make something of our lives - we stop living. I don't mean that our heart stops beating or that we cease to exist, no - but instead of reaching out to the world around us, we hold back...Somehow our true feelings, and our fear of failure collide, and we shrink back from our real purpose and mission in life. We run away. And as we run we keep telling ourselves that we are running to catch up with life... Never realizing that life is slipping away from us... The sun is setting, but we call it sunrise! On and on we run...
So just now I want to stop! Turn around and see just how far I have come. What does it mean to "get a life"? I feel my heart beating... I know the tune I'm humming... And yet I keep looking for, searching and longing for, something more. Something so elusive that words cannot describe it. Beyond space and time - somewhere out there - I know I must find it; in order to be happy. In order to say I am alive! Just now... I should let my hair down... close my eyes, and open my heart... Feelings like these are so deep, we go through life hardly able to admit that we have them. We argue and fight in a futile attempt to separate ourselves from the fear which haunts our interactions with others so near and dear to us. We shiver in the cold as we see our lives, slipping away...So it is in life. We are what we think. In a moment, in an instant, it can all be gone. Changed forever... I know this all too well... My life can attest to the truth of it. Now is the time to stop! Turn around and begin to live life to its fullest. Never allowing the fear of the unknown to wrestle the sacred spirit of who you are from the confines of your mind. Take it all back!...
In an instant I know who I am. Who I can become. I know my destiny awaits!...Just now, as the sun begins to shine on a new day - as the waterfalls' mist mixes with the dewdrop on the petal of a rose - just know that wherever you go... My love goes with you!
Its been said before, I'm sure - that nothing ever stays the same. Always changing, rearranging - sometimes up sometimes down, the wheel of life goes round and round. It seems to me that in our hurry to make something of our lives - we stop living. I don't mean that our heart stops beating or that we cease to exist, no - but instead of reaching out to the world around us, we hold back...Somehow our true feelings, and our fear of failure collide, and we shrink back from our real purpose and mission in life. We run away. And as we run we keep telling ourselves that we are running to catch up with life... Never realizing that life is slipping away from us... The sun is setting, but we call it sunrise! On and on we run...
So just now I want to stop! Turn around and see just how far I have come. What does it mean to "get a life"? I feel my heart beating... I know the tune I'm humming... And yet I keep looking for, searching and longing for, something more. Something so elusive that words cannot describe it. Beyond space and time - somewhere out there - I know I must find it; in order to be happy. In order to say I am alive! Just now... I should let my hair down... close my eyes, and open my heart... Feelings like these are so deep, we go through life hardly able to admit that we have them. We argue and fight in a futile attempt to separate ourselves from the fear which haunts our interactions with others so near and dear to us. We shiver in the cold as we see our lives, slipping away...So it is in life. We are what we think. In a moment, in an instant, it can all be gone. Changed forever... I know this all too well... My life can attest to the truth of it. Now is the time to stop! Turn around and begin to live life to its fullest. Never allowing the fear of the unknown to wrestle the sacred spirit of who you are from the confines of your mind. Take it all back!...
In an instant I know who I am. Who I can become. I know my destiny awaits!...Just now, as the sun begins to shine on a new day - as the waterfalls' mist mixes with the dewdrop on the petal of a rose - just know that wherever you go... My love goes with you!
Which Way Is Up?
Once in a while, when the rush of the day is slowing, when the sun begins to set, and all I can see for miles are the red tail lights of all those commuters going nowhere fast - I begin to wonder - "Which way is up?" Do all "good things" really come from above? Is the golden light of love shining down on us? Angels wings do flutter and hum - singing a tune in harmony sweet... I'm sure I've heard it once before, in another time - another place. Just to know the sound, like a dream woven from the eternal fabric of infinite mercy, our inner being cries to be free... to fly away... fly home! Up, up and away... The echoes of some place far, far away, keeps tugging at our heart strings, making us think of another time, another place...Walking through the woods, with the leaves crunching beneath our feet, and the sound of the rushing river below, brings us one step closer to the truth - to the realization that this world is not all it is cracked up to be. That there is another world - up there somewhere, that is our destiny - our real home. A world with no pain and no tears - a place where the sun is always shining and the moon is full and all aglow in a star studded night sky...Some say it's just a fantasy - a beautiful dream! I know it's a memory that we all share. We have just forgotten which way is up! We have lost our vision of a world made new... a place that is more than meets the eye... All wonderful and bright, shining down in love's moon light. Light of love forever be, more of you and less of me!Come on now,,, Take my hand. Walk with me down memory lane. a world forgotten, a vision of love - through the mist I see - the land that time forgot - the place just made for you and me. Wrapped up in some kind of perfect love - a token, a present - from up above.
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